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When a skinny man or man slight of stature engages in a relationship of sexual nature with an overweight to obese woman.

Damn, look at that skinny guy with that huge chick. He harpooning!

by Fedarell April 29, 2022


The act of penetrating a fish with male genitalia and or toys.

Ethan is harpooning his fish right now! That poor fish.

by Toni SauceTac March 19, 2019

Tactical Harpooning

The act of pretending a fat high school student who identifies as a gamer is a whale and proceeding to chuck harpoons at them. Seen as a sport by harpoon enthusiasts.

“Look, it’s Ryan!”
“He’s pretty fat, and he’s a gamer!”
“You know what that means!”
*Takes out harpoons*
“Let’s play Tactical Harpooning!”

by gamerman November 6, 2019

Harpoon Man

One who controls harpoons magically.

When the Harpoon Man dies, all his harpoons go off at once.

by MaybeARealWord January 22, 2022

Beach Harpoon

Pronunciation: 'bEch här-'pün

Etymology: origin unknown

: a plug (as of cotton) introduced into a body cavity usually to absorb secretions (as from menstruation) or to arrest hemorrhaging

: see Cotton Pony (riding of)

I ain't gettin none since the ol-lady got herself beach harpooned

by qwerty_not June 22, 2006