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Dirty hopkins

When you're "69ing" with a fellow homosexual gentle man and you hold his head all the way down on your ham candle and fart directly into his nostrils.

I picked this dude up at pickle park last night and gave that day a dirty hopkins.

by Barbdaddy March 31, 2020

Hank Hopkins

A country, or southern rock singer, who fucks shit up, and doesn’t care what anybody thinks.

Man: have you heard of that singer Hank Hopkins?
Woman: OMG YES! I want him to have my babies!

by Definitely not hankydoodle August 18, 2023

Camilla Hopkins

Camilla , Also known as Down Sydrone , is a birth defect that allows a person to have eyes that look swollen, fingers that are a little meatier than usual, and they might have difficulties learning. Camilla is caused in birth development, each person has 23 pairs of chromosomes, which makes each person to have 46 chromosomes. But for people with down syndrome, they still have 23 pairs of chromosomes, except one particular pair has an extra, giving a total of 47 chromosomes. When this happens, this extra chromosome takes away some of the cells from other chromosomes, giving the person a slower, and poorer memory. And memory is tied to the brain, giving the person slower reflexes.

Facial features of people with down syndrome are similiar, but they are not related. They have a larger forehead, swollen eyes, and their hands and fingers might be meatier, and, or, the length to each finger unusual. People with down syndrome talk with slurs tied to each word they say, and their focus might be to some other object.

My baby was born with that Camilla Hopkins

by BeeTea December 30, 2020

megan hopkins

Megan hopkins is an amazing mother, has a beautiful singing voice, and is a great friend or family member.

Megan Hopkins is the best

by Musical boi August 3, 2022