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Lowkey pro

A girl who is a prude and also a unknown hoe

She's a lowkey pro

by Lowkey pro December 12, 2016

lowkey needy

When you are an attention whore and try to make things about you but fail yet don't stop leaving hints.

She's a lowkey needy girlfriend.

by Sasstiel September 27, 2017

Sipping lowkey

When you're drinking LOKI Seltzers

Yo im LOKI sipping lowkey

by LOKI Seltzers February 17, 2022

african beggar lowkey

black people.

you look like an african beggar lowkey.

by blackpplrbetter April 20, 2022

Lowkey Raped

When you play Dark Souls 3 PvP agianst me and u get distroyed!

Bruh I got Lowkey Raped yesterday...

by BruhrarwxDD February 18, 2018

Fucking Lowkey

noun adverb
1. When you are extremely low key (not trying to be noticed; chilled ; relaxed)

I ate that brownie now I’m fucking lowkey at the party.”

2. To participate in sexual behaviors with someone very discreetly. (In a sneaky nature)

“I was devastated when I found out my fiancé and my sister were fucking lowkey.”

I’m tryna be fucking lowkey before my girl realize who I’m fucking lowkey.

by kydeelou January 6, 2021


A state of mind in which one successfully maneuvers "under the radar"

All the while is obviously Hot shit..shut... duh.

When the crowd saw the Lowkey HIGHNESSITY busted out on they asses...

... to be or not to be continued....
Don't be dicks... let me have my muthafuckin word in the God damned urban dictionary.


by Handle.this.N.ur.pipe.n.smoke. August 16, 2022