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Neat Henry

A twist on a classic sandwich - essentially a Sloppy Joe, except served on a hot dog bun.

Child - "Hey, what are we having for dinner?"

Mom - "We're having Sloppy Joes. You're having a Neat Henry, so you don't stain your shirt with Manwich."

by space_prospector January 16, 2015

Thomas Neate

Always fills you up in bed, makes your life a lot more pleasurable.
Without Tommy you wouldn't experience the ways of life.

Thomas Neate is hot

by Joe Rat October 13, 2020


a convo starter between two people who hardly know how to talk and never get anywhere by talking anyways.

hey! cool-neat-same.... yea.

by drill.i.dam. March 21, 2009

neat theory

elimination process

Um... Miss Tillman.
Paul Young's been missing for a couple of days. Have you seen him?
Why ask me?
I saw him leave a box on your doorstep.
And I've seen Zach over here.
If I did know where Mr. Young was, why would I tell you?
Look, the police think I killed your sister and I'm sure you do too. But I had nothing to do with it.
And you think Paul Young did.
Well... No, that's not what I was saying.
You gotta admit, it's a neat theory.

by weeknew September 14, 2018