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Actual female equivalency to male sexual organs. ovaries Links to: balls testes

You see that? She kicked his ass! That woman's got some bad ass OV's!

by MAZASKY February 20, 2020


When you’re ovulating so hard that you are seemingly insatiable

I’m ovving so hard I’m afraid I might pounce on the next person I meet.

by afterafewdrinks July 29, 2022

Kjell Ove

Kjell Ove is a name used on babies with a big penis. Being named Kjell Ove requires a ritual where you ronk into Monica while singing Bængshot. You can also use Kjell Ove when you are wanking.

For example; Oh look, it is his penis is huge, that must be Kjell Ove

That girl i saw earlier was soo hot! I think I'm gonna Kjell Ove later

by FisForFamily October 26, 2017

fred ove

Caring and my father

Fred Ove is a nice person.

by D’s out for harambe August 26, 2019


A cool as dude with a big dick

Ove is such a pussymagnet

by Chickkkkennugget January 16, 2019


Ove is the best pupsi in the world, he will never hate you.
He loves everyone, especially that one Marvin.

Marvin: Hi Ove
Ove: I love you

by morukuu June 2, 2020


Short for “over” commonly used by team alboe for when you are in a bad situation

“I left a whole sheet blank on the math test”
“You’re ove

by Dakidfromthe847 April 21, 2023