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A deadly weapon used to destroy your ear.

He was bleeding after that terrorist used a q-tip on him.

by Little Pie02 April 22, 2017


An old person. They look like Q-tips with fuzzy white hair and white tennis shoes.

It's a bus load of Q-tips headed for the casino.

by Who wouldn't wanna be me February 21, 2022


Old people. Skinny body topped with fluffy white hair.

I'm stuck behind a car full of q-tips, so I'm running late.

by aerozeppelinn July 19, 2015


An elderly person, usually a woman who quickly pulls out into busy traffic and proceeds at 40MPH below whatever the posted speed limit is. When capable drivers, that should actually be allowed to drive, approach from behind, it can appear as if a Q-Tip was seat-belted in behind the wheel.

Man, I was ripping my V Max up the road and this damn Q-Tip pulled out in front of me!

by Broken Dock September 17, 2019

Q-Tip the Abstract

Sexy, sexy, sexy man. A member of A Tribe Called Quest, the greatest rap group of all time. He is amazing at everything and is also good in bed

"Camron has I.B.S. :pray: :orangutan: :pray: i love Q-tip the Abstract so muhc :pray: :heart: :I.B.S.:"

by Q-tip the abstract :pray: March 27, 2022

chocolate q-tip

When you stick your finger up your wet, sharty asshole, then proceed to stick it in someone's ear.

Reddit users LOVE to give each other chocolate q-tips. Something about the way the shit that runs down their ear really gets them going.

by RedditSucks February 16, 2016

chocolate q-tip

Stick your finger up your wet, sharty bum, then put that finger in your girl's ear and wiggle it a bit

Wife was NOT happy when I gave her a chocolate q-tip last night.

by zer0t3ch February 16, 2016