Source Code

Rollie pollie

Rollie pollie is somebody who says fuck you in your conversations, or who is cute

1.Hey look it’s jon!
2. Oh the Rollie pollie looking guy??
1. Yeh!

by B.yulan March 15, 2019

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rollie fingers

When you jizz on your partner's upper lip and then adorn previously trimmed pubes in such a way as to form facial hair of the mustachio variety. Then, continue to form the mustache until bushy small upward pointing ends appear, much like that of famed baseball pitcher Rollie Fingers.

Yo, my bizzo was all about mustaches so I gave her the Rollie Fingers last night.

by me.....)()( July 24, 2009

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Human Rolly Poly

The sewing of someone's face to their own butt, similar to Human Centipede.

Dude that guy passed out drunk, let's make him a human rolly poly!

That guy has to eat his own poop cause he's a human rolly poly.

by TheweirdmoviemakersofAmerica December 22, 2011

asparagus rolly pollys

a scrumptious treat. tasty but not a beverage, please dont attempt to consume by drinking. a piece of sparagus rolled in a Kraft cream cheese spread laden piece of bread.

created my the team that brought us cheese worms!

"hey you shit face gimme back my motherfucking asparagus rolly polly"

"where did i put my asparagus rolly polly"

"hey dennis hook me up wif a asparagus rolly polly ow g cuzin ow"

by mitch April 2, 2005

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Rollie Pollie Collie

A girl that sings and uses facebook is really nice and has alot of jokes with

i was in bel canto and this girl helped me with my music and told me a joke an i was like wow your such a Rollie Pollie Collie

by EMMINGER May 9, 2010

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human rolly polly

When 3 guys have sex on skatbords and they roll with every hump.

Look there's those human rolly Polly's fucking again

by Ragugang March 6, 2019

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Bust down Rollie Avalanch

A Rolex watch covered in Diamonds with an ex that is not as extravagant as your current girlfriend.

Bust down Rollie Avalanch, yeah my old B***h Average, this my first time rappin it, I might go retarded, s**t Bentley coupe, I'm dashin' it Stand on my money, I'm tall as s**t Told 'em, "Don't you doubt the kid" Told 'em, "Don't you doubt the kid".

by The Black Plato June 19, 2022

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