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Satan spinach

Marijuana; weed

Aye man...wanna smoke some Satan spinach?

by RollingStones72 July 31, 2017

pop the spinach

To pop the spinach means that during the act of shoulder deep anal fisting. The fister eats a can of spinach like popeye which causes his arms to significantly grow in size. Providing greater pleasure/trauma to the partner.

Okay , I'm all the way in. Let me know when you are ready and I'll pop the spinach.

by goldfishhotel March 19, 2016

pop the spinach

A term of endearment, meant only for those hardcore couples that partake in shoulder length anal fisting. Upon fully insetting ones arm one of the partners, predesignated of course shouts “pop the spinach.”

At this point the shoulder length party ingests a can of Spinach and similarly to Popeye; the arms grow significantly in size cause extreme pleasure/trauma/ pain to the one recieving the pounding.

Once conceived the one receiving the pounding may yell “another one”

Carmen was sweating profusely, Dave’s whole arm was in her. Her eyes widen when there heard the loud pop. “Pop the Spinach!” Dave shouted. That was the last thing Carmen remembered passing out from an immense wave of emotions.

by peteshus March 19, 2016

dipped spinach

PCP. marijuana dipped in embalming fluid

lets get a g of that dipped spinach for this weekend.

by animal chen August 29, 2009

Bailing Spinach

When a lawn is cut after being over grown while the grass is still wet. So wet that the grass comes out of the mower like clumps of cooked spinach and stalls the mower.

Damn, I haven't cut the grass in 3 weeks. I'm gonna be bailing Spinach Saturday

by Captain Motorcycle July 11, 2022

Sparkle Spinach

Yet another fancy way to say Weed.

Hey dude do you want some Sparkle Spinach?
What the hell is that?
It’s weed my dude.

by ButtHairBurrito97 July 27, 2024

Princess spinach peach

The true meaning of love

Wow u are my princess spinach peach

by Brian n k January 22, 2022