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brad pitt

An actor. A pretty good one too. Played in movies such as Fight Club, Seven and Oceans 11.

Besides that, the guy rules. Face it, first he banged Jennifer Aniston for over 7 years (anyone who don't envy him for that belongs in a gay bar). And now when she's 36 he left her for some young chick who's like, 20.

Camera man: Hey dude you happen to got Jen's number?
Sound man: Yea man. Why you want it?
Camera man: I heard she split up with Brad Pitt.
Sound man: Oh wait, i meant i don't have her number.
Camera man: Asshole.
Sound man: Hahahahaha.

by Dick_H July 11, 2005

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pitt bones

Yeah ok what the hell does that mean!?!?!?!

please help!

by hot momma January 31, 2004

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brown pitt

(Brown*Pitt) - Any dude thats of indian decsent and has the God Given looks of Brad Pitt

damn your Good looking Anooth! Your the fucking Brown Brad Pitt!!!! BROWN PITT!

by thebrownbradpitt May 5, 2009

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brad pitt

An actor that is easily so good looking he could pass for gay.

He was born in rural Springfield, Missouri, and actually spent his life being the outdoorsman he plays in many of his movies.

A man over 40 with perfect abs, blonde hair and buns of steel. Someone Hitler would have been strongly attracted to sexually.

Went from having the grunge look with long girly hair in the 90s to being more spiked up and "macho" in later years.

Is in a contrived relationship with actress Angelina Jolie, who is part black.

Brad Pitt gets all the girls, but he really wants all the boys.

by Assex 776 September 17, 2007

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eat shit pitt

The only way a West Virginia University fan greets or cheers a University of Pittsburgh fan.

during the refrain of "Sweet Caroline", chant "eat shit pitt" instead of the "so good" chant from the original song

by bulldozer_philly March 6, 2021

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angelina jolie-pitt

an american actress that makes even the most uptight, conservative women reconsider their sexuality on a daily basis by means of her luscious sofa-pillow lips.

otherwise known as the mother of bi-curiosity.

she is also famous for collecting babies from impoverished countries like friggin pokemon.

this woman is a goddess.

"i was watching angelina jolie-pitt in gia the other day...maybe i'm a little gay after all."

"i heard angelina jolie-pitt adopted a new baby from nam...gotta catch em all!"

"i'd love to, but i have to go home and sacrifice a goat for my angelina jolie-pitt alter."

by tangerine kicks daisies November 17, 2008

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Pitt community College

The community college located in the same town as East Carolina University. This place is for those who did get into ECU, but partied their tution money away...along with their brain cells

PITT Student 1: Yeah, i used to go to ECU
PITT Student 2: yeah, me too.
PITT Student 1: Yeah, i made it to one class the whole year
PITT Student 2: i'll get back there, one day...but for now, I go to Pitt Community college, we're in ECU Purgatory...its for the pirates that REALLY acted like pirates.

by Gangstamarmar May 13, 2007

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