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Cracker Craving

When someone has the urge to only hook up with white people.

Person A: "Did you see that super hot Asian walk by? Damn."
Person B: "I don't care. Right now I have an intense cracker craving, and I can only focus on that Caucasian near the entrance."

by The Cookie Eating Monster January 17, 2011

shave and crave

when you want to Netflix and chill but you only have Cravetv

Casual sex

Hey gurl, whatchu doin tonight? wanna Shave and Crave? ;)

by Qbaybay June 10, 2018

save crave

A situation in a video game where you haven't saved your progress in a long time, and you feel nervous when the next opportunity you will have to do so.

Guy 1: How do you not have save crave right now? I've just watched you play this video game for an hour, and you have yet to save the game!

Guy 2: I know what I'm doing.

by Ereck Flowers November 14, 2018

Craved in

When you're on a diet or trying to be healthy & someone offers you something unhealthy i.e Rocky Road & you cave in & eat it.

Vanessa craved in & ate it!


" OMG i craved!!! i couldnt help it! "

by tcharquen September 27, 2012

crave evil

What can serve as a teaching, as a model to follow, as a term of comparison; which can serve as an object of imitation or inspiration in terms of shape, appearance, etc .; model, example.
Teaching in allegorical form, storytelling; parable.

So that we would not crave evil things as thwy did.

by Alejandro Orlando February 24, 2018