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Intolerance: To force one's opinions on another. To not tolerate another view/practice/race/ideology/religion - To force others to conform to one's own view on this.

Intolerance refers not to disagreeing with someone (this is disagreement), nor disliking someone (regardless of the reason therefore), but to attempting to force one's own opinions or belief on them.

Bob: "I think I should be allowed be bat for my own team/be trans/the owner of an assault weapon/not part of the military through drafting/a meat eater/a vegan/allowed to disagree with anyone regarding their sexual preference/lack thereof/religion/lack thereof/beliefs in scientology/feminism/masculism/the illuminati. Furthermore I believe I have the right to associate with whom I please, both personally and professionally."

Bill: "You shouldn't, seeing as I hold a different view., and my will over you must be absolute. And I have a small peepee for which I seek to compensate"
Bob: "Well, we can agree to disagree then, except on the size of your genitals, of which I have no knowledge."
Bill: "No. I intend to agitate for my opinions regarding what you may and may not do to become law, and your not doing so must be punished by being locked in a cage for many years.
Bob: "Get fucked Bill, your intolerance makes you a bigot.

by DefiningIt May 11, 2021

honey intolerant

a person who cannot stand the taste of honey, and throws up after consuming honey.

marina: omg I cant eat honey without throwing up!
john: have you considered the fact that your honey intolerant?

by tigergoesrawr August 4, 2021

Grease Intolerance

A Condition That Causes Belly Pain, Nausea, Vomiting, Uncontrollable Diarrhoea, Dizziness, Fatigue, Epilepsy, Mental Retardation & Death Caused By Dehydration

This Condition Is Typically Chronic & Can Last For Up To 20 Years

Mostly Common In Females

Julie Has Grease Intolerance So Don’t Show Her Any Strobe Lights Or We’ll Have To Take Her To The Hospital

by ChickenBirds July 6, 2024

Grease Intolerance

The Worst Condition Ever If You’re An Anglophile

But If You Ate Fish & Chips Or Anything That’s Too Greasy Then You’ll Usually Get Diarrhoea On Your Shorts

Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Amaris How Dare You Get Diarrhoea From Fish & Chips That’s It You’re Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded Grounded For 1000 Years Go To Your Room Right Now

Because Of Her Grease Intolerance Steven Took Away Her Electronics

by BabyTV Addict September 18, 2023