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Madison junior high school

A school filled with thots and fake ass bitches. Everyone snitches and people always gettin they ass beat.

Madison junior high school may be trashy vut at least its not southwestern.

by Truthbitches420 March 3, 2019

Pleasant Valley Junior High

This is a middle school in Le Claire, IA. As a student at this school, I can confirm they're mostly rich kids. Though they claim not to be wealthy, everyone's dad works for John Deer so... We don't have backpacks because fucking morons feel the need to vape during school hours. Apparently they can't wait for their breath to smell and their teeth to fall out until after school. 40% of people are pretty cool, but the other 60%? Not so much. The best part about this school is the people of colour. They're awesome. The white kids are the worst. Just generally bad ya know? But no matter your race, if you don't come to school with aiRpoDs and atOmIC, you're a loser. These kids think they're humble and shit, but in reality, if they went to a different part of the world, say two cities over, they would see how good they actually have it. 70% of the teachers are troglodytes and can't teach to save their life, but it's ok because what we lack in education, we make up for in aThLetIcS (not really). Eighth grade boys are mostly jocky, try hard, sexist, bullying, lazy, stupid, passive agressive, boring, wannabe badasses who couldn't be bothered to so much as look at a book. Eighth grade girls are bitchy, dramatic, inconsiderate, arrogant, HYPOCRITICAL, selfish, superficial, manipulative, immoral and closed minded monkeys. Though there are some amazing people at this school, it's clear that it's mostly just annoying, racist, puberty struck tweens with no sense of self or empathy.

friend: where do you go to school?
you: pleasant valley junior high.

friend: I think I hear my mom calling, gotta go.

by noraleigh18 March 7, 2019

green cove junior high

Subway looking motherfuckers with the huge ass gym concrete fucking bleachers literal shit with peoples feet on your head

Green cove junior highs gym is trash you can’t change my mind

by Sksksksskskskskksksksksks May 26, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Joseph Case Junior High School

Joseph case junior high school is very unpleasant. If you attend this middle school you will fall into immediate depression I would like to inform everyone that bullying is 'not tolerated here'. Are vice principal may be the biggest bully you will ever meet. He looks like a thumb and says kiddo a lot. I feel extremely unrestful when he walks by me whistling the smurf song. The cops will whip you to the ground for anything.

Joseph case junior high school is the worst place you will ever go to if you go to any other school you are truly blessed.

by ih8mylife September 25, 2018

58πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Daniel Wright Junior High School

A school filled with wealthy, stuck-up brats, who happen to be within the top 1% of intelligence. If you're smart, you matter. If you're not, go die in a hole. Everyone has at least two mental illnesses. With the new grading system, the only acceptable grade is getting 90% or higher on every assignment. The teachers are kind on the outside, but are really only there for the six digit salary. All the students are really weird. There is a cult which controls a lot of the powerful kids. They win all the awards and get the administration to do what they want. Three of them are on the school board in 8th grade?!?!?

Alex 1: "What did you get on the test?"
Alex 2: "I got 87%."
Alex 1: "Oh no. The time has come. The apocalypse has begun."
Alex 2: "I'll go have a mental breakdown in the bathroom."
Alex 1: "Of course! That is just what happens at Daniel Wright Junior High School."

by Wigism June 11, 2020

Rio Norte Junior High School

School full of little mongo skaters, stupid myspace-whore girls; has the fucking most retarded school rules.

Mongo green diamond skater: Bye mom I'm gonna go get dressed coded by some douchebag riding in a golf cart at rio norte junior high school

Mom:Ok bye

*Mongo skater walks*

Fake annoying bitch girl: oh hey(yyyy) mongo kid *while she says this she is leaning over attempting to show cleavage with her flat ass chest, and holding her hands like shes doing the good morning stretch except they're pointed down, and when she finishes talking to the mongo kid whos probably wearing red pands, she raises her eyebrows and presses her lips together like a fucking alien.*

by Bill, the guy with a mustache August 7, 2008

60πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

East Junior High

The Illest School in the City that beat West's ass up

Amy said, "Wow! East beat cha ass up just like Kevin got whooped by his big bro!"

by East04 August 29, 2003

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