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a gay homosexual kid who is in love with trey

Rowdy and Trey made out last night.

by your mommy in my bed January 23, 2022


The best Minecraft PvPer out there

Damn, that guy got railed by rowdies

by Rowdies May 25, 2020


Gettin' really excited. Usually said with a western accent.

He started gettin' rowdy that night

by minecraftsquadlit July 3, 2018


A cute guy who will love u forever and will never let you down. A guy who loves cuddles, Netflix, and his girlfriend.you never want to loose him. Rowdy is a good boy freind and good to have around. He's crazy sometimes but it makes him the best ever.
Girl 1: Rowdy's here

Girl 2: He's soooooo cute!
Girl 3: Yeah I know he's my boyfriend

Rowdy is the cutest ever!

by Loveawsommore November 23, 2019


A girl who is at first shy, but once you get to know her she will drive you insane! She is absolutely gorgeous and is definitely a keeper! Rowdy’s usually tend to be tall with a brownish blondish color hair. Most of the time they have a great personality with an even better humor, and LOVES SARCASM but, they have two sides, and one you DONT wanna get on! Rowdy’s are also extremely good at ghosting people and don’t mind holding grudges! Most people try there best to stay on Rowdy’s good side! Another thing that’s great about Rowdy’s are they are super athletic! And what comes with being super athletic is a nice body and a good booty. Guys would definitely love to have a Rowdy in the bed!!

Boy One; Hey do you see that girl?

Boy Two; Yeah!! She’s hot!

Boy One; Think I should go talk to her?

Boy Two; Nah man!! She’s wayyy outa your league! That’s Rowdy!!!

by Cross_kittycat October 14, 2019


Long haired hottie with a nice body

Rowdy is HOT

by Ericanicolefagott March 21, 2019


Rowdy is the name you give a guy that’s perfect. He’s so funny anything he says will leave you dying of laughter. When you see him you fall inlove because of how handsome he is. He doesn’t just get with any girl tho, but when he does he treats her like a queen.

Wow that guy is so perfect his name must be Rowdy.

by Cat53 June 17, 2020