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Tarzan Nutbuster

A Tarzan Nutbuster is the process of a Male has is butt hair braided by his significant other and then pulled on until he ejaculates.

The Thai man had a Tarzan Nutbuster on a Tuesday to celebrate the big win

by Barry Mcokhener June 19, 2024


Barely intelligible text messages sadly lacking basic, remedial grammar either by human or spell correct error. May include random words which dramatically change the meaning of the intended message.

EXAMPLE: Bob just text me an awesome Tarzan-a-gram saying "We go dinner game end dark?" or "My daughter is selling Girl Scout pussies. Would you like some?"

by oobyek February 23, 2014

Tarzan Nipples

When a girl’s areola are abnormally large in size

Ashlee was drunk and horny one night and her Tarzan nipples pop out of her shirt, and everyone jumped out the window to escape the view.

by Blmcollwge10193 April 17, 2018

Tarzan Twist

A move where you double up and double down onto a man when he is reading to swing from the trees. He wants to be tased so do it. The receiver will always be named peter and he most probably loves dogs a little too much to the point it is creepy.

Yo I just tarzan twisted my homie bro. Peter could not handle my gawk gawk 3000

by The Tarzan Man February 10, 2021

Tarzan mullet

when your hair is long wild and crazy.

yo home boy has'nt had a hair cut for a minute he got a tarzan mullet.

by booyah316 March 17, 2011