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Reverse Titty Fuck Butthole Lick

The act of a man, sticking his penis between a females breasts, with his penis poiting towards the females lower body, while the man also receives a butthole lick job from the lucky lady.

Yo, me and your Mom did the Reverse Titty Fuck Butthole Lick last nite. And damn, is she good!

by Haffey 520 February 9, 2005

61πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

reverse titty fuck bum-brow

A variation on the classic titty-fuck.

Start in titty fuck position then stand up, lift one leg and flip that bitch round! Now squat on her face and proceed to rub your penis between her tits while she gives you a rim job.

Guy 1: That bitch thought she could get away with a regular titty fuck, but I spun that bitch round!
Guy 2: Did she eat your ass?
Guy 1: You know it!
Guy 2: Reverse titty fuck bum-brow?
Guy 1: Hell yeah!

by Art of war June 29, 2006

25πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Jesus Titty Fucking Chris

something you yell out when something annoying, stupid happens.

Person 1: its my birthday today everyone is coming except you.
Person 2: why not?
Person 1:because i hate you
Person 2:... what did i do to you JESUS TITTY FUCKING CHRIST

by person13579 February 11, 2009

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Backwards Titty Fuck with an Anal Tongue Dart

Backwards Titty Fuck (BTF) with an Anal Tongue Dart (ATD)

A Backwards Titty Fuck with an Anal Tongue Dart (or BTF with an ATD) is when you lay a girl on her back, straddle her head with your legs, and backwards titty fuck her while her tongue darts your asshole.

by Max1000 January 14, 2011

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

titty cut fuck

Where your getting really intimate with a girl and then you take a blade and you cut off your nipple of choice and fuck her in the literal tit and then once you’ve been relieved you sew it back on.

Guy 1: Bro last night she let me titty cut fuck her
Guy 2: Dude my girl won’t let me do it yet. FUCKKK

by tittycutfuck March 9, 2021


Someone who is lame and incredibly stupid. From the idea that while a titty-fuck isn't so bad, the actual tit that gets fucked isn't so intelligent.

You fuck-titty! I told you to take out the trash three days ago!

That fuck-titty hit my car!

by Ukchana December 24, 2003

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Shitt Fuck Titty Licker

"Shitt Fuck Titty Licker" is an expression used to signify a sense of disappointment or regret over an action.

"Loses in a game of League of Legends"- Shitt Fuck Titty Licker.

by JRT-Moosh April 17, 2018