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Juicy Fruit Twins

A myspace hip hop duo from nova who focused more on their blunt rolling abilities than their music. They only rapped at parties using laptop speakers. Very lame. They had one single called "walmart spinnaz" and it was good because they could only remember the lyrics if they had a blunt before hand. So it was pretty funny. The duo was shutdown in march of 07 due to the song they released "blunts, hoes, pigs, n tricks". It made fun of the school cop and many members of the faculty as well as students. Overall there just a shit hole rap group who had potential until they were forced to resign.

1- are u guise the juicy fruit twins?
2- ya
3- you guise fuckin blow

by Devin DeRosia November 19, 2008

Retarted Twins

2 people of the same ethnicity (usually hispanic) which asteroid both bald, and extremely stupid

Me: Did you see those 2 retarted twins?
Mason: Who? Darrion and Eric?
Me: Yeah they’re retarted as hell

by BaldGekyume September 14, 2020

Jean twin

Any funny looking and extremely/very black African male or male in general is referred to as "Jean twin"

**Big black african with big lips walks down the street**
Kid 1: Look its Jean twin!...
Kid 2: ...Jean twin

by Urban Dictionary Official US November 27, 2021

Twin Cam Barbecue

The act of cooking a barbecue using the heat of a car engine, usually a twin cam engine is used but the single cam barbecue is often just as effective

“F*cks sake the barbecue’s out of gas, how are we gonna cook dinner”

“Don’t worry mate I’ll just fire up the Twin Cam Barbecue

by YorakHunt69 February 3, 2023