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line blind

One who has no idea where that magical line between tact and idiocy lies.

Telling a girl she has a ghetto booty is still in the "tact" region, while "you've got one fat ass bitch" is not.

by Ego March 16, 2005

double blind

So hung-over that neither one of you remembers the other one's face, even though you slept with them last night. Also applies to "don't want to remember” and denial scenarios when confronted by friends about it.

"It's really funny to me that our friend hookup ended up in a double blind!"

by animalshelly February 5, 2010

Italian Blind Russian

When in Italy and you want a white or blind Russian, but they don’t have Kaluha. Instead you ask for tumbler, full of ice, with one shot of vodka, single espresso, and top off with Bailey’s. Boom, Italian Blind Russian!!! Substitute cream for Italian White Russian.

Senore, per favore, Un Italian Blind Russian

by ThierryPubesHenry October 22, 2018

blind driver

When a person is driving a vehicle and has so many distractions or just doesn't care, blattenly cuts people off, runs red lights, drive the wrong way of a one way street, ect.....

During rush hour traffic I saw at least three blind drivers run a red light at the crosswalk by the court house

by Plumbcrazy420 July 8, 2015

blind shuffle

when you shuffle your playlist without looking at the upcoming songs

This blind shuffle turned out really good!

by trakasis December 10, 2017

Blind Bell

An action that involves two individuals, the "thirsty Hunchback" and the "Bell".

The Hunchback carries a large bottle and a glass with the liquid. Water works, but other liquids are also allowed. The Hunchback approaches the Bell (preferably a penis bearer).

When the trap snaps, the Hunchback splashes the liquid into the Bell's eyes and rings their "bells" by smashing their balls with the bottle from below.

"I thought she was just having a drink when she blind belled me..."

by baringo giraffe August 24, 2023

Practical Blindness

When blindness comes in handy for such projects as reading and writing assignments.

George had practical blindness for summer reading.

by awesomeoprof August 15, 2012