Source Code

High Message Maintenance

Applies to someone who constantly needs to be messaged, via Messenger, WhatsApp etc.

Tania has such high message maintenance that I'm constantly on the phone messaging and can't get anything done.

by Jules350 November 14, 2019

Jay High School

A Racist little town with a racist school and is good at every sport except for football, they never made the playoffs.

I can’t wait to play Jay High School this Friday

by Milfmaster420 May 11, 2022

high beam trolly

The act of a driver driving with their high beams constantly on in a act of seeking out and identifying another driver for homosexual activities.

The middle eastern truck driver appear to be high beam trolly, later I seen him on the side of the road swallowing another trucks sword.

by …..turtle February 10, 2023

Union city high school

Full of wanna be gangsters, and trying to get some freshmen pussy, bunch of fuck boys and full of nic addicts, people who fake medical conditions like turrets, its full of drug addicts and people who beat kids or people who smoke dope in the school bathroom, its full of people who wanna be cool to fit in and full of incest and cusion fuckers, and a bunch of annoying white girls who think they black

I wanna go to union city high school because my cusion is pretty hot and if i go there its okay!

by Candyman-with the white van August 18, 2022

High-5, brainy

When you've pulled a "Captain Obvious", and you know it.

Perception is reality. High-5, brainy! (Add palm slap to forehead, upon delivery)

by Sherwalt won July 9, 2017

high up party's

When you throw a get together/party and while at the party you go out and buy some illegal drugs then find a hiding spot and smoke it up and have a stoned out party

Tim: i was at some high up party's last night

Jack: what did you have

Tim: blue kush
Jack:how high were you

Tim: higher then a kite

by Skully Walrus April 26, 2011

high mchale

When someone does does enough drugs that their balls feel as if they have receded back into their body

Man I’m so backed...wait a minute where are my balls I think I just pulled a high Mchale

by Bigfuge May 2, 2020