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She is a very intelligent and has a sweet tooth. Her nails are beyond imagination, she’ll never bother to cut them. She loves all foods but yet she still stays fit by doing sport. Most likely dance, gymnastics or aerobics. She has a weird taste in everything but she doesn’t care. Alys isn’t popular but she is liked by all her peers,

Dude 1: do you know that girl? She seems pretty fun to be around.
Dude 2: she must be an Alys.

by Asian Devil November 10, 2018


aly is the perfect girlfriend you could have. infact she's my girlfriend that's why I say that. I wake up and I think of her, I think of how good she makes me feel, how her smile makes me smile too, how her hugs make me forget how many times I failed. having an Aly in your life is like feeling you are permanently protected, I love her very much and I hope to feel protected all my life with her by my side :)

- i love you aly

by Lauriannee August 1, 2022


aly is the definition of the perfect girlfriend you could have. You wake up and you think of her, you think of how good she makes you feel, how her smile makes you smile too, how her hugs make you forget how many times you failed. having an Aly in your life is like feeling you are permanently protected, you hope to feel protected all your life with her by your side :)

- aly and Lau are together

- shes gonna be together all hers life

by Lauriannee August 1, 2022


"Aly" A.K.A Alyssa. Most common nickname for Alyssa or Alyson.

Super fun to be around and never stops smiling. Even if she is hurting inside and is having her own personal struggles, she is caring and kind. She will put other people before herself and would take a bullet for people close to her. It is difficult to get close to her though, most Aly's have trust issues- especially with men. Most of the time struggling with anxiety and depression or so mental state but keep it in for your sake. She always help out the community and joins lots of clubs and groups.

Not only is she beautiful on the inside, but she''ll know you dead as soon as you lay eyes on this angel. Usually short with brunette hair. Gorgeous green or blue eyes. A smile brighter than the sun, with flawless teeth. A body that will leave you weak at the knees. Her breathtaking beauty has boys lined up all around the block, you're a lucky guy if you get an Aly. Even though she could have any guy she wants, Aly is an extremely loyal lover. She sticks by her man no matter what. Aly's usually fall in love with boys whose name start with the letter "E, D,L and J”
Aly also has many talents such as dancing, singing, and acting. Aly usually is not very good at art, though. Most common interests in Aly's are cheer leading and dance. They also like to fight and play video games (If they learn)

Guy: are you ok?

Aly: yup.

Guy: are you sure?

Aly: yes

* go’s home and crys*

by Amumms January 6, 2019


the sweetest, most caring person there is. a fucking delight to be around but also full of so many whale facts it's kind of concerning?? but you could spend two seconds with her and your heart would be full, it is law

alys is baby and that's a fact

by anthrophcbia October 9, 2019


alys is a beautiful girl with nice hair, she is funny and she is a keeper. she will always be the life of the party and is an AMAZING dancer. she is a good kisser and very hot.

Nick: Alys is so hot, I want to befriend her.
Kiya: haha she's my best friend and she only likes tall guys.

by hottietottiesmexy March 14, 2022


Describe a man etc. handsome, beauty, manly, and sexy.

Bob: ALY!!
Lexi: HE’S SO HOTT!!!

by Queceo August 29, 2022