Source Code

alcohol abyss

An abyss that pulls an individual with it's inertia into alcohol consumption.

I could not get over the alcohol abyss that I was pulled into.

by doodling July 23, 2011

eternal abyss

The deep depths of the polo and any other darkness zone.

*lighter falls into eternal depths (the space between the seats* “NO, the lighter has fallen into the eternal abyss

by Boarhunt Bashers January 17, 2023


Evan's reaction to getting white abyss

"WHY IS IT WHITE ABYSS?????????????" (evan getting white abyss)

by unl_ikely June 28, 2024


But the french definition, "very deep & gigantic"; "gigantic" can mean "dope" in french.
So here abyssal mean the dopest thing around.

In french Abyssal is write the same way.

Will Smith slap was Abyssal!

The "Top Notch" beat is Abyssal!

by TKDGenshi April 1, 2022

The key to the abyss

The abyss is a place deep in your soul where your trapped mentally and you can’t escape you have to find them key’ to get out but you can just find it, you have to find something which you enjoy or takes you out by force.

Guy 1: Yo man, I’m in the abyss and I feel so empty like I don’t want to do anything no more

Guy 2: Oh shit man, Do you know what the key is

Guy 1:Nah, I have to find this It make takes weeks

Guy 2: Hope your Okay and find the key to the abyss

by Downside January 12, 2020

Pond abyss

Sometimes when you boot up gm_construct, the pond will be infinite.
Just a fun fact.
Don't go too deep.

person 1: have you encountered pond abyss in gm_construct??
person 2: yeah dude i saw the monster
person 1: what monster

by Dr. Coomer Phd April 9, 2023