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Fierce walk

A style of power walking that hybrids power walking and the "catwalk" walk.

The fiece walk is a scary style to behold as typically its used in offices, night clubs, and sometimes in amangst the public. When a person does it right and uses this walk, all attention goes to that person. This walk says "im more important than anyone here!" "Im the fiercest competitor here" and " stay out of my way, the true ruler walks"

When done right the walk will look fluid and almost natural as if the person all there life had been in a place of power.

When done right, men and women jaw drop. Done right people cringe and cower in fear.

This is true shock and awe

Jessica's fierce walk had a profound effect on the room as she entered the board room. She left shock and awe as well as a chill in the air while she walked to her chair. A terrible silence over came the room.

by Theamazinggeek August 20, 2019


The only way you can get your money back if your lucky as take the fifth degree and throw in the kitchen sink.

I am involved right now in a FIERCE MONETARY DISPUTE and it has got so heated I had to drink piss on camera naked and sustain a long hospital visit writing everything about myself including I am a JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE and subjected to ARYAN NATION TACTICS and ELDER ABUSE as well as dealing with process of elimination TRESPASS ISSUES along with long EXPOSES ON FACEBOOK.


Fierce Hippie

Total pothead. But with a fierce fashion sense. We like to look smokin' hot && we shower.. Go to the clubs and party hard, but we're just total potheads and blaze every night at the same time. It's the twenty-ten style hippie. Loves it ♥

"Yeah, try calling Sue for bud.."
"Sue? She smokes?"
"Yeah she's a fierce hippie"

by KatiexTrainwrek January 21, 2010

1👍 3👎

Planet Fierce

Planet Fierce is a planet of gay fuckboys and gay bitches they're all friendly martians who came to save earth

him: "Let's get high"
HIS FRIEND: "i'm not ready to go to planet fierce, it's too gay smh"
him: "okay i'll go alone"
HIM: "i'll go home"
him "you'll be alone fuck you"
HIM "sorry but i'll see you tomorrow okay"
him "okay goodnight I'm gonna smoke this bowl of weed then eat some shrooms"
HIM "goodnight brooooo"

by Ten Lights June 14, 2018


a fierce is when ur mom fucks with ur dad all night long

i fierced ur mom

by sus man amoomomogus October 29, 2021

fierce as ceramics

Expression used to describe something more dangerous than a shark . Gained popularity after the realization that - unlike a ceramic bowl - a shark can't be used to kill (more specifically squish ) a bug .

When Ted refused to pay the hooker she became fierce as ceramics.

by michellenya October 4, 2011