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lowkey matching

When you and your friend never see each other but you are matching on Snapchat or other forms of social media

Woah Brooke and I are such good friends that we are lowkey matching on Snapchat!

by Not Brooke March 10, 2017

lowkey gay

lowkey means kind of

Matthew Bolwell is not lowkey gay!

by dj kahlet July 28, 2020


When you do things without people knowing about it

Friend 1: What's Jonathan been up to?

Frieend 2: idk he's been lowkey

by 210118 October 12, 2021


eliana fayga kramer

i am the definition of lowkey”

by rel October 23, 2020


adverb, not openly but without guilt or shame.

see unashamedly

I love to play dungeons and dragons, and lowkey still like playing 4th edition.

by Chay Comas January 16, 2022


it means a white elephant.

that one is a lowkey in the wild.

by the lowkey person December 15, 2020


"Lowkey",To keep something a Secret And Discretly

You Lowkey don't get the Logic.

by TSM_AK April 27, 2017