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Low Cost Dorm Room Prostate Exam

When your roommate in college obtains rubber gloves from an unknown source and proceeds to offer you a discounted prostate exam, so long as you return the favor. After making sure you are both cancer free and ready to set up shop, you proceed to start an ass check factory in your dorm room. It is not uncommon to invite certain faculty members, janitors, teachers, and hall mates into your makeshift clinic for a quick "slip of the shitter." Most clients leave humiliated, stained, and with a loose butthole. Despite willing (some unwilling) customers dissatisfaction, they often remark that it is still far better than going to a regular doctors office.

Undergraduate History Major: "Hey Dr. Travis, would you like me to put a gloved fist inside of your asshole and wiggle it around? We call it the Low Cost Dorm Room Prostate Exam."
Interested Professor: "Well go again son, so long as you don't pull out the lightbulb I stuck up their last night while watching Judge Judy."
Undergraduate History Major: "It's free so long as you look me in the eyes and call me The Old Pretender."

by TheSouLOfGenIus January 15, 2014

27👍 3👎

your story makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak

expression. used in substitution for the popular response "cool story bro" first described in forums online. This expression however, is a direct quote from the hit movie "kung pow." This famous scene occurs during a dialogue with the "chosen one" and master tang.

john "man i don't feel so well I think I broke my leg"

jack" your story makes my heart heavy and my prostate weak"

john" fuck u man"

by niggman star33 October 4, 2011

17👍 8👎


When a prostitute fiddles with your prostate until you toot, and then you shun her for the rest of the STD bang sesh.

Big Queefy: Yo Boner, I’m tryna hit hooters tonight, you in?

Boney Stoney: First, it’s Boney, not Boner. And second, I’m out. I’m shunning prostitutes rn, I call it prostate-toot-shun. So I’m not down with looking at any Hooter whores tonight. You’ll get multiple STDs just looking at them.

Big Queefy: True, I got Gonorrhea and Crabs just from staring at this Hooter hoe last time. Turns out the crabs were not the food like I thought..

Boney Stoney: Damn that’s hot. Nvm, I’m so in.

by Stoney69 July 17, 2022

Professor Prostate

Any Medical Science professor that teaches the material given in the class in the utmost gruesome and disturbing way possible.

"Man, Reginald is such a Professor Prostate! Can he not make something disturbing?"

by McSand_boi May 11, 2023

prostate pleaser

When a man shits a log so wide that it presses up against his prostate, evoking a sense of euphoria and potential light-headedness as it passes.

Brian had been so backed up for the past few days that he was afraid taking a shit would hurt, but to his surprise just the opposite happened, his shit that day turned out to be a prostate pleaser.

by 1337-F337-100P June 20, 2018

Prostate Frosting

Cum from a man's asshole.

Andrew M. loves to eat Jordan W.'s prostate frosting.

by Thepenisgallery March 12, 2016

Greek prostate exam

The sexual act of gently inserting a gyro up someone's ass. Can be done solely for pleasure or for serous medical diagnosis.

Yo did u hear about Georgie? He gave chris a greek prostate exam last night.

by Hartw3ll22 September 12, 2017