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A term for the vagina, in the context of oral sex with one of the highest qualities of purity, cleanliness and superb taste. The type of vagina that one would perform oral sex with the same way one would enjoy the world's finest prime rib, which is the reason for steak being included. Twank = vagina. Steak = grade A prime rib.

I can hardly wait arriving at my girlfriend's place after work. She promised me a triple serving of Twank-steak this evening!

by Shabda Preceptor September 2, 2016

twank spanker

When two white little petite boys, strip each other down too nothing. One bends the other over in doggy style putting ones genitals into other boys anal glands while lightly licking their palm and spanking gooch

Tommy and Mitch engage in sexual encounters when Tommy said “Oh yeah I’m ready you Twank Spanker
Mitch licks his palm and lighty slaps Tommies gooch which is the space between a man’s asshole and ball sack.

by KidToucher February 25, 2022


The act of masturbating tramps

I have been out all night Twanking, now my sleeve looks I've been mixing PVA glue.

by Mr Ippon August 1, 2018


The tween version of cranking or wanking.

'Oh man, my little brother totes thinks he's hit puberty, little does he know he's just at stage one twanking'

'That Eighth Grader just got dumped on MSN and now he's at home twanking wishing he was old enough to actually finish it off'

by notbymenotnow April 14, 2009


When one does entwine one's toes with an others toes and feels sexual pleasures...good cheeky pleasures.

ohh I just had a twank.
I went to see him and we had a good old twank.
I thought I was into him but then I opened the bathroom door and I saw him twanking...

by SourDawg November 25, 2021


Twanking Twan-king


The act of being such a tw@ that you camp on a game, therefore combining both words to create Twanking.

Usually seen in a gaming environment.

Person A - "Did you see him over there?"
Person B - "Yes, he was Twanking!"

by Nix99 September 21, 2018