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When a young woman 18-20 dates a man that is 10 years older of more.

Them older niggas will cut you off after one mistake & block you. Damn hold on Unc

by Strawberry96 April 10, 2022


an unc is a person who edges in the back of class to freshmen

"yo you see that unc he edgin to a baddie, he deffo got helle aura"

by downyni99a May 22, 2024


A super old human that is known for not understanding other generation’s languages.

Human numero uno: What the sigma? My gyatt finna start bussin! 😭🙏

Old hag that’s rotting at the moment: What are you saying?

Human Numero Uno: Dadebeto 🤣🙏 Unc finna start bussin! 💀

by Quandale deringle September 16, 2024


Someone familiar to you and/or your family and everyone likes him.. usually.

Yeah, I know dude. He's part of the family. That's unc.

by ray6789 July 21, 2021


Your best friend or homie per say.

My unc is keeping me down lately.
Aw man, im sorry to hear that.

by Dorkaholic September 13, 2023

Your unc a drunk

Another familial insult

You: your unc a drunk
Tim: f u cc

by ERUTAN is NATURE backwards March 16, 2018

calling unc

To vomit at any time, usually after drinking alcohol.

Goddamn I was drinking all that Henny last night. I been calling unc all morning

by Noname145 December 31, 2020