Source Code

bosnian roulette

The game of bosnian roulette works as follows. All the players walk into a bosnian forest. The first one to step on a mine and die loses the game. You can play this game in a last one standing mode. How to do that is self explanatory.

Person 1: Nah bro she's my girl
Person 2:lets play bosnian roulette to figure it out

by Thug_rommely August 3, 2023

Bosnian Bottle Change

When you are getting a handy and as you're about to cum she grabs a strap on and enters you unexpectedly

I was with my girl the other night and she surprised me with the ol Bosnian Bottle Change

by Hurricane Sandy September 26, 2022

Bosnian sweater

A sweater that has been used as a cum rag then word

I wore my Bosnian sweater to school yesterday

by Boejidenthemankey88 December 10, 2022

Bosnian Phone Box

A sexual act where a woman gets onto her knees as the man stands over her with his legs spread. She proceeds to place the tip of her finger into the mans ring piece as if inserting some change. She then places his erect cock onto her ear and talks into the mans arse hole. To hang up the call the man will usually take a steaming hot shit right in her gob just like a dirty Bosnian Phone Box.

Man my wife loved the Bosnian phone box I gave her last night, I’d eaten a hot tikka masala the night before too!

by Twiggy_222 October 8, 2020