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Doi is a term used when someone has done something incredibly stupid.

Person: "Hey did you hear about the guy that hung his pants on a flagpole?"
Person 2: "Yeah. That was a big doi moment."

by wyffle November 3, 2022

doy ralph

When something is obvious beyond belief

ex: "My car is blue" "Doy Ralph!"

ex: "My car is blue" "Doy Ralph!"

by ex-ample December 6, 2022

Doi Doi

It’s a lighter term for Dumb Dumb and a synonym for dumb

She’s such a Doi Doi
That was such a Doi Doi thing of me to do

by Geniusstuff May 6, 2019

bin doy

A flaming homosexual who likes mr. Rainbow

Stop sticking ur dick in a Gatorade bottle u bin doy

by Biggerbobs than u October 8, 2019

Ja Doy

The Brother Of Da Joy, Found from One of Satomi's Videos

Ja Doy? More like Ja Dog!

by Ja Doy October 29, 2021