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The effect of any European football club fan base on a surrounding population or geographic area after aforementioned team loses and fans express anger and/or frustration over match result.

After that tornado went through the ATL it looked like it had been Hooliganized by a bunch of Manchester United fans.

by JRHMFG217 April 3, 2008


The name of bruno mars fandom and can be used to call someone in it that really idolize bruno mars

A: "Hey, do you know the name of bruno mars fandom?"
B: " yes, it's Hooligans, and I am a hooligan."

by Hoolies January 9, 2018


When someone ( normally a 12 year old ) tries to use the word hooligan in jokes to make them look like they know what they're talking about, when in reality no one knows what they are talking about. For some reason, these strange creatures from ages 10 to 14 atually understand each other, for they snicker/laugh uncontrollably at the sound of "hooligan" or the term "69". Perhaps one day, we will find out the secrete to this language of these very peculiar creatures.

"I said swiper no swiping ya hooligan... 69!!!!! Ohhhhhhh!!!!!!" - middle school boy

by jummpyduck0 April 23, 2015


The old person equivalent of crazy ass motha fucka

Old person who got robbed: That hooligan stole my light up square
Young person who got robbed: Some crazy ass motha fuckas stole my laptop

by Dothejohnwall February 16, 2015


Isabelle, Kaitlyn, Nolan, Ethan, Joci, Nattias, Izzy and Kallie.

You look like a bunch of hooligans.”

-Our teacher

by Yuh333 November 18, 2021


A bum, deadbeat, good for nothing with an Iq of less than 20. Likes to spend its time looking for problems.

Look at that hooligan hootin and hollerin.

by ain't_rocket_ science January 20, 2023


When Brendan and his friends go out on bikes through the town

Those hooligans over there

by Defnotmdc August 14, 2024