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Igloo Fuckboi

Someone who opened pornhub while they're in atarctica. They received an advertisement, that recommended to look through nearby Igloos for local penguins to fuck with.

Dude 1: Have you seen the recent ads on the hub?
Dude 2: Yeah! There's a bunch of local penguins in our area. I'll go check the other igloos.
Dude 1: Oh god... You're an Igloo Fuckboi.

by PJStan April 16, 2022

Igloo Fuckboi

Someone who opened pornhub while they're in antarctica. They received an advertisement, that recommended to look through nearby Igloos for local penguins to fuck with.

Dude 1: Have you seen the recent ads on the hub?
Dude 2: Yeah! There's a bunch of local penguins in our area. I'll go check the other igloos.
Dude 1: Oh god... You're an Igloo Fuckboi.

by PJStan April 16, 2022


The act of soaking and enclosing a woman's vagina with fresh wet pubes where you then flash freeze in order to form the igloo. You then climax in the igloo and poke a hole to let the bodily fluids release the steam. It feels amazing :).

The nurse I slept with was sooo freaky that she hairy-igloo'd herself and made me fuck her icy bush. Despite how extremely disturbing and weird it sounds, it felt so surreal.

by Hairyigloosenpai July 14, 2018

Anderson Igloo

Noun: When two biological brothers have sex with the same girl while living in the samw home. Similar to Eskimo brothers.

"Oh man, you two gave her the ol' Anderson Igloo!"

"She's been a tenant of the Anderson Igloo before"

"Those two Eskimo brothers did the Anderson Igloo on her"

by Lamsleykerbin November 26, 2014