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madame fat fuck

fat french teacher who hates bananas yet is willing to lick nutella off of the guch of one of her 8th grade students. enjoys arizona speed bumps yet when the car hits her, she sends it off of a cliff, then jacks off her shemale cock over the cliff and hits her former blind lover

Mrs. Mininger (fat ass) from McCord Jr. High in Sylvania, Ohio, known by her students as madame fat fuck

by Chris Spinks May 27, 2008

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Madame Tussaud Museum

Madame Tussaud's wax museum has now grown to become one of the major tourist attractions in London, and has expanded with branches in Amsterdam, Hong Kong (Victoria Peak), Las Vegas, Shanghai, Berlin, Washington D.C., New York City, and Hollywood. The current owner is Merlin Entertainments Group, a company owned by Blackstone Investment Group LP.In July 2008, Madame Tussauds' Berlin branch became embroiled in controversy when a 41-year old German man brushed past two guards and decapitated a wax figure depicting Adolf Hitler. This was believed to be an act of protest against showing the ruthless dictator alongside sports heroes, movie stars, and other historical figures. However, the statue has since been repaired and the perpetrator has admitted he attacked the statue to win a bet.The original model of Hitler, unveiled in Madame Tussauds London in April 1933 was frequently vandalised and a replacement in 1936 had to be carefully guarded.

Have you ever been to Madame Tussaud Museum?

by Scottthomasson June 16, 2010

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Madam De Sade

A woman who is very sadistic, whether it be sexually sadistic, or she just enjoys seeing someone suffer.

She was a real Madam de Sade... she liked to whip her boyfriend every night.

by catlover April 3, 2007

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Madam butterfly effect

The theory that hurricanes are caused by the acceptance of transgendered people.

Kirk Cameron believes that hurricane Irma was caused by the Madam Butterfly effect.

by Yonatan the Grey September 8, 2017

Madam Roast Beef

The most handsome streamer in existence! Gaymer! The best friend you can ask for. Always finds a way to make you laugh or smile

Look! it's that gorgeous Madam Roast Beef streaming Fortnite!! He's so handsome!

by BaronEsse January 30, 2021

madam im adam

the snobby bush dragon who like to tell stories about Mr. Snuggles, and make fun of tayla the hackham-ian.

1. adam said yesterday "madam im adam"
2. "zomg that d00d iz lyk totally acting like a Madam Im Adam. what a snobby bush dragon.. gee won't even fetch me a phucking cuppycake with a picture of a dinosaur and lots of icing. d00d!"

by ! S . A R G H . B 3 L L E . April 26, 2008

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Madame and Eve, not Adam and Eve!

An expression of lesbian pride.

Lesbian: Madame and Eve, not Adam and Eve!
Well, that was obvious, but I can't think of anything.

by Deborah! August 18, 2007

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