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Eric Snowboy

A guy that looks like a dumbass chinese person. Plays hockey and tries to play girls. However, he isn't really good at it.

Person a: Who's that guy that keeps trying to play you and your friends?
Person b: Thats the chinese dumbass Eric Snowboy

by Pokadotme May 6, 2020

Eric Myers

Someone who's always right.Very handsome.all the girls want him.The smartest in the room.The best Sixty Crip known to man..The love of Isabelle McLaughlin life.She can't live without him He's so perfect,a gentleman.Very understanding.Loves to communicate..All around top notch human being.

Eric Myers is perfect

by Esco the Great May 10, 2024


Name for the greatest footballer of all time, Nils-Eric Johansson, ex-bayern munich player and current AIK player, can be used to replace the word god

Oh my nils-eric

by henrik908 August 29, 2017

Rip an Eric

When you are at the dinner table with guests and you rip a fat fat. Once the smell hits the guests, the head of table gets up walks into his room and slams the door.

I went to Katie’s house last night to meet her family and i happened to rip an Eric.

by Lips1997 March 31, 2022

Eric Cartman


You are Eric Cartman, eat less.

by cornucopiafacebutt April 10, 2021

Eric cartman

Someone who looks like Eric cart man or someone who looks like a fatso

Person: you kinda look like eric cartman ngl

Person 2: kys dude

by Lainislainandimme October 6, 2023

Eric Cartman

The worst South Park character

Eric Cartman is so terrible omg

by Fractured but Whole enjoyer <3 December 23, 2021

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