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MS paint pseudo-hyperbolic expressionism

The artstyle used for those funky, simple drawings, occasionally with suspicious amounts of equally simple gore that gay people on the internet use as reaction images. Mostly used to represent a strong and very high or very low energy emotion. (e.g. anger, unrest, depression, hyper-focus)

MS paint pseudo-hyperbolic expressionism is one the artstyles of all time

by GBTG794 September 2, 2023

paint a masterpiece

A guy says this when he wants to make incredible love to a girl.

Gonna make love to the woman in all the right ways.

Or can mean get her wet all over

Hey Dude, Imma take her home and paint a masterpiece.

by mo40 August 11, 2012

Paint crew

A group of basic white girls that didn’t make the real cheer team and bitch boys who play soccer that suck off the football team

The paint crew are a ton of jerks!

by Stew man May 24, 2022

Brain Painting

The results of a Firearm being stuck in your mouth, and having the trigger depressed.

Steve:"Did you hear that Phil killed himself by Butt Chugging bleach?"
Johnny:"Nahh dude, he shot himself. Left a nice Brain Painting."

by Shreddie Wap January 25, 2017

Binge Painting

The act of painting for such a long time with no inhale protection, no goggles, no gloves until you collapse, lose consciousness, or drift off into sleep apnea. Symptoms of binge painting include blurred vision, dry mouth, sinus headache, being able to actually FEEL the soft tissue behind your eyes, and sensitive teeth.

1) Last day Antony was binge painting so hard that today I'm wondering if he can level-up by hitting his coworker with a spray can.

by amdb4z November 11, 2017

Wet Paint Sign

A sign placed near to wet paint to tell people that they must touch the wet paint just to make sure it isn't dry.

Sensible Person: "Oh look, a wet paint sign"
Everyone else: "I'll test to see if it's still wet" *touches the paint and gets it on finger*

by Beerafarm1 November 20, 2018

Soft in the paint

When you think you’re a good loader doing an exceptional job but really are just very average.

That guy Jacob goes soft in the paint.

by THE GREATEST UB February 27, 2019