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Bitmoji cowboy hat

If your named Finn you should definitely never wear this or wear the matching overalls.

Bitmoji cowboy hat should only be used if your wearing the matching overalls.

by Happysow May 18, 2021

Philly Cowboy

When a group of men each ejaculate into a pair of boots then randomly select one of the men to chase the others while wearing said boots until eventually catching one and shouting “Philly Cowboy”. The one who is caught then has to repeat the cycle and the game goes on.

This game originates in the streets of Philadelphia (1960s), however it is less popular there now. It is most popular in cities such as: Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Chicago, Illinois.

Hey guys, who's down for a few rounds of Philly Cowboy?”

by Philly Cowboy lover May 8, 2022

Cowboy Shocker

When you grab your balls and stick your thumb in your butt.

Shelly loves giving her man a cowboy shocker!!!

by Cowboy Shocker December 25, 2019

Cowboy Shocker

When you grab your balls and stick your finger in your butt

Shelly loves giving her man a cowboy shocker!!!

by Cowboy Shocker December 25, 2019

cowboy jay

It is a rare species of male who likes grunting, groaning, axes and horses. Someone who's part hick, part genius and a little bit of je ne sais quoi. Usually this species hails from Quebec.

Did you see that guy straddling the horse and groaning, he's such a cowboy jay!

I like him because he fixes shit in my life like a Cowboy Jay

by CFGOMG February 16, 2014

Cowboy's Dinner

The act of furiously jerking off while throwing up into a toilet.

"Just walked in on Matt making a cowboy's dinner."

"I don't know what I drank last night, but I woke up in the bathroom with a Cowboy's Dinner infront of me"

by robohobo_ March 18, 2017

Cowboy mexican

A mexican who's from the rural parts of Mexico tends to dress in cowboy boots and sombreros not to be confused with a redneck cowboy as the styles differ typically listen to banda and corridos and drive SUVs or trucks

Damn that cowboy mexican guys got a nice truck than hill Billy bob

by Emilio ortiz July 26, 2018