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A frame-killer is any action or element in a software that causes abnormal stress on the hardware, thus causing the frame rate of the application to visibly drop below normal levels for the duration of the action/element.

It is a common term used in video games, since there are usually commonly recurring elements across games that can cause the frame rate to undergo a visible drop. Such elements include explosions, fire, water, hair and fur, and various onscreen clutter.

Jordan: I love playing fire-based characters in video games, I just love watching flames and explosions because they're so pretty.

James: Ahh, so you like frame-killers.

by DeeeFoo October 18, 2017

mountain killer

Person who habitually chooses the same ascent route on a mountain, chipping at its face more each time, thereby destroying more of the mountain on a climb.

Richard, why not use another route to climb that mountain? Leave that route so others can enjoy it. You're a mountain killer!

by pentozali April 16, 2011