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New York ranger

An annoying little shit

That guy is a New York Ranger

by Screwtherangers420 June 2, 2024

New York's most dangerous band

The New York Hardcore band known as PUNCHYOURFACE, from Long Island is widely known as New York's most dangerous band. This is based on what goes on during their live shows including but not limited to past shootings, security with metal detectors, off duty cops and undercover cops hired for security. PUNCHYOURFACE fan's are often times told not to "mosh" meanwhile its allowed during every other band.

Example: "PUNCHYOURFACE, New York's most dangerous band, only played 1:30secs before a brawl broke out that shutdown The Redzone permanently."

by Crowd Killer August 5, 2022

New-York Gummy bear

The act of an elderly man (or woman) giving oral sex with their dentures removed and biting the head of the penis or clitoris.

If Bernie Sanders endorses Kamala Harris, maybe she'll let him do the New-York Gummy bear to her.

by marauder211 July 27, 2024

New York trigger

A very heavy trigger pull, especially on a handgun.

Originated from the New York Police Department's policy until 2021 of issuing pistols with a trigger weight of 12 lbs..

Do you think that cop wouldn't have hit so many bystanders at Times Square without that New York trigger?

by James Russell, PhD March 13, 2023

New York Blimp

A marijuana cigarette, a joint that has been rolled thin on the ends and very plump in the center, burns fast till it gets to the center. Popular throughout the state of New York and the country as well, mostly rolled by Old-Timers or people that are just in a hurry to smoke, no skill is required to roll a New York Blimp.

Whilst in the city, ran across a retired NYPD officer, sat down on a bunch he asked if I wanted to smoke, he pulled out a "New York Blimp" that looked like it was pregnant, it was time to spark it up

by FrankW May 23, 2022

New York Flu Like Symptoms

Fever* or feeling feverish/chills.
Sore throat.
Runny or stuffy nose.
Muscle or body aches.
Fatigue (tiredness)
Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults.

While sometimes described as "New York Flu Like Symptoms" it's also described as:

Derby Drudge
Hong Kong Cough
San Fran Scam
Natomas Nap
Ventura Dysteria

Vaginal Myalgia

All of these conditions have one thing in common. Proximity to John "Youngie" Young.

AKA: Midget porn expert
Tax avoidance expert
Analogies disguised as metaphors expert

Chainsaw repair expert
Train spotting expert (not the kettles, he doesn't "Fancy" those)
Navy Seal Expert
Derby Tourist Guide (gay bar) expert
etc, etc, etc,

While English, he speaks like a yank and has lost his accent. Soft as grease, a public school boy.

Sits too far back on his seat, can't get his knee down, doesn't warm his tires (tyres), buys crap tires, worlds best absentee Dad.

Stay away, his chronic vaginal myalgia (pain of his lady parts) will fill you with dread, wearing you down until you feel like you were hit by a subway.

I hung out with Youngie last night and I feel like crap. - Oh Dude, you got New York Flu Like Symptoms

by Master Chief Shite July 10, 2019

New York Pizza Pocket

when a guy puts cheese and sauce on his dick and gives anal to a girl. the cheese and sauce get stuck in the girls ass, and the guy eats the girls ass afterwords with the cheese and sauce.

Brian: “Hey babe, can we try a New York Pizza Pocket tonight”?

Heather: “I gotta bleach my asshole, Timmy gave me a New York Pizza Pocket last night”

by rubberduckie28 March 30, 2022