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pumpkin the gentlemen

Weirdo. Pedophile. Likes lolicon. Gets called out a million times but his fans don't care. Uses "its normal in Japan " as an excuse for his vile behavior.

A: Did you hear what pumpkin the gentlemen did?
B: Ughhhh... not again...

by kawaiigothicutie July 19, 2024

Gentlemen's Dicking

When you date a girl more than three months, then break up with her. You have sex with her one more time -because that's what a gentlemen does.


by TheSaltedTrout August 22, 2017

Gentlemen's veil

When your cum dribbles down your taint and covers the asshole with the intent of getting a rim job.

You could also finish on someone else's lower back for a similar effect.

She jacked me off but my lil swimmers couldn't beat gravity so I got a thick gentlemen's veil before she tongued my ass.

by BreadScenter June 28, 2021

The rowdy gentlemen

Consisting of a band of brothers who never half send, focus their attention on the luxuries of life such as alcohol, beautiful women, and copious amounts of ‘Columbia’s bam bam’. Often compete in frat past time activities such as beer pong, spike ball, and riding off road vehicles. They pride themselves on their visual appearance, and often patrol the streets in search of a potential cougar to mate.

The rowdy gentlemen went full raftus after the darty.

by Thomas 3vi September 7, 2021

Gentlemen's Cut

Shaving and upkeep of a man's genital area

She really appreciates when I give myself a gentlemen's cut; no hair in her mouth.

No one wants to see that 70's bush, get a gentlemen's cut.

by Elove knows October 12, 2021

a gentlemens week

A week grace period before dumping her after she has either a) taken you on holiday or b) bought you a nice gift. After this you have no obligation to her.

Boy: I think we should see other people
Girl: Really? After I have just taken you to France last week.
Boy: To be fair, you did have a gentlemens week afterwards because you took me to france. I don't owe you anything

by beenbaba March 21, 2014

Young gentlemen

A male that hit adolescence

Young gentlemen Always talks back

by 459395 April 11, 2022