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prostate brothers

When two men share the same doctor. Doctor has performed a prostate exam on both men. Similar to Eskimo Brothers.

Hey! I just came back from the doctor. We're now prostate brothers.

by 92Merc April 13, 2019

Prostate Hen

A type of hen that just has a very veiny throbbing prostate that can call the cows from out of town. Also can be used to describe a tight gay man.

Omg that hen has some ass power, it must be a Prostate Hen!! Or. Damn this dudes a serious prostate hen!! Jesus!!

by Ethyl Barbiecrotch December 1, 2020

Hands free prostate exam

The act of butt fucking somebody whilst standing up

“Yo did you hear Brad gave Mary a hands free prostate exam, that pretty freaky

by Sm!tty345 April 18, 2024

prostate paste

When a girl fingers your asshole causing blood, lube, and fecal matter to mix. Her finger is now covered with it.

She wanted to experiment with my asshole and the next thing I know her knuckles were dripping with prostate paste.

by Wrighteous53 January 11, 2018


The gland that controls whether or not you ejaculate or take a whizz, it's also kinda responsible for the results that happen after you stuff something into your bussy.

"G-God I'm using 108% of my prostate right now!-!!"

by Zach T. Radass July 30, 2024

Wasabi Prostate Exam

(Noun) When your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend or tinder date asserts their dominance by performing a prostate digital examination with a finger lubricated not with standard lubricant but Wasabi paste. Often contextualised in an act of sexual dominance.

"Hey man how's things with that girl going?"
'Yeah look it's getting pretty serious'
"How so?"
'Last night I got a wasabi prostate exam'

by JKeyes8989 January 26, 2022

prostate snake

A dick stuck in your ass.

Jimmy: Dude, I have a prostate snake, HALP.
Beth: Use more lube.

by Prostate Snake April 22, 2015