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PUMS Stands for someone "A girl usually" Who is both "Pissed Up" and a "Massive Slag".

"Pissed up" being used to describe the fact she he actually Hot, and usually smashed on Lambrini.


"Massive Slag" being used to tell you mates how she is a slag, just because you, in reality, dont have a chance, or that she likes cock, and this is pubic knowledge.

It enables you to CODE that someone is Pissed Up Massive Slag.

Alex: OMGWTFBBQ check her out ('points')

Matt: PUMS all day long..

Alex: Big MS, seen her on JBG a few times.

by GP2010 June 2, 2010


A mixture of piss and cum, usually after the act of masturbation

This applies to males only really.

Johnny pissed out pum because he urinated shortly after ejaculation.

by Coonpuff October 21, 2016


The individual hairs in an eye brow.

she plucked out the pums that we’re out of place.

by Collins205 October 11, 2017


The mixture of piss and cum.

The smell is said to be highly addictive

Hey, smell my pum; it fills the room with a warm, inviting aroma that instantly brings a sense of comfort and nostalgia

by Micheal Knott August 16, 2024


The combination of piss and cum advancing out of the male penis.

Ben: Did you just piss and cum at the same time?! Bro?!
Nathan: Nah man Pumming.

by InsteadOfBread February 27, 2022


Full name for pamo university of medical sciences,
A new word used to describe stress and frustration , cause of many mental conditions, may look attractive from afar until you really get close , no one cause of depression since it's first use in 2017

I am in a very distressed and pums state

I didn't remember cause I was pums

by oWhOKs April 17, 2021


its when you pee and cum at the same time

omg I PUM

by Uncle Racc January 5, 2021