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Home Depot Surprise

Getting a blowjob from someone that has a spray tan.

Husband gave me a home depot surprise last night

by OneBadGloop November 16, 2020

home depot hot dog

A "Home Depot Hot Dog" is when someone sticks their penis through a hole cut in a Home Depot apron and puts various condiments on it before having their partner lick it off before engaging in fornication. Humming the Home Depot jingle is mandatory during this act.

"Want a Home Depot Hot Dog later?"

"Mmm yeah, don't forget the relish babe!"

by Lay uhh December 16, 2022

Depot techno

Is a fat count

Hay I talked to depot techno and he is really a fat cunt

by Gamr1340 April 16, 2022

Home Depot

A Home Depot is a home for monke. They have wood and lights. Best of all they have my favorite thing shelves and chainsaws .

I go to the home depot to monkenap monke.

by Depot of home. September 29, 2021