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pryor junior high 8th grade

Pryor junior high 8th graders are the dumbest people in the school. They get in fights all the time for messing with each other’s ex’s. All the teachers hate them. All the boys are shorter than 5’3. The girls all think they are depressed because the boy they like doesn’t like them back and likes their bsf instead. They go after the 9th graders cause everyone in their grade are immature. They are all talk but they can not fight worth crap. The boys are not good at basketball at all. They all make fun of the 7th graders even though that’s what grade they were in last year. They think it’s cute to get a mulet but they are ugly. All the girls think boys from adair are hot but they are to scared to talk to them. That’s the 8th grade pryor junior high kids.

wow those 8th graders are so wack

yeah ikr...
pryor junior high 8th graders are super weird

by salina_wild_cats_69 November 21, 2019

4👍 5👎

ecole okotoks junior high school

a school in okotoks filled with pot heads. also known as " oj "

kid1: hey wat school do u go to?
kid2: ecole okotoks junior high school
kid1: oh so ur a pot head

by 12345678907 May 25, 2012

5👍 8👎

emerson junior senior high school

a school filled with a bunch of sexy people from the stinky and tiny town of emerson new jersey. all the students that attend the school either play sports, are in the play, debate, or even horse girls!! some furries too!! an amazing school to send your kid to if you love a shitty education system and seventeen year olds who think they are wolves and foxes! there have been a few movies made there as well. some of the teachers are cool but others are kinda smelly. ledge is one of the only acceptions

shawty: i love emerson junior senior high school
me: emerson junior senior high school is stinky there were ants in my bagel one time :( no

by stinky stinky oopsie May 1, 2020

Paul J Gelinas Junior High School

worst school ever
sexist principal
fuck you

it cant be used since its a fucked up school Paul J Gelinas Junior High School

by royal_fuck_up December 5, 2019

Junior high

A place where prepubescent kids are shoved into a building for 6-7 hours and hoping for the best

Bruh your literally in junior high I bet you can’t keep a girlfriend for more then 2 weeks

by March 3, 2022

East Junior High

The illest school in da midwest that kicks West Junior High's ass... and all them other schools up hurr!

"Yo, East is the shizz-nitt... fuck West!"

by Master of Pleasure April 21, 2005

Northbrook Junior High

1. Good teachers

2. Bitchy people( the “popular” girls were annoying af)
2. Ugly asf needs to remodel
3. Filled with Jews
4. Basic bratty white girls

Northbrook Junior High aka Nbjh

by urfav22 November 10, 2021