Source Code

retarded sort

A sorting algorithm where every other element is swapped with the previous element, then every 3rd element is swapped with the previous element, then every 4th element is swapped with the previous element, and ao on, until only the last element is swapped.

- But Joe! This is not sorted at all!
- I know, it is retarded sort...

by ethymology101 December 27, 2022

What sort of God would make you kill kids?


Hym "What sort of God would make you kill kids? The Christian one does that all the time! Sometimes he kills them himself! How many people died in the flood? All of them? Yours! That one! Literally every kid that dies of cancer or disease is the victim of God's eternal maiming of humanity."

by Hym Iam November 7, 2023

sorted or thwarted

successfully completing a task or not

How'd it go at the benefits office? Sorted or thwarted?

by sorted or thwarted October 21, 2018

sort-of poor

One who wants a Ferrari but won’t pay $5 for shipping.

Sorry I can’t go out, I’m sort-of poor.

by Mpl909 June 16, 2022

sorting my bookshelf out

'Slowly touching myself, whilst covering myself in I can't believe it's not butter and watching the Notebook'

I can't believe I spent all Saturday night 'sorting my bookshelf out'. Best Saturday ever

by Ruttiger_Stone January 8, 2015