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Bum-brow titty fuck

When you stradle a womans head and fuck her titties!

I liked her tits but not her face so i gave her a bum-brow titty fuck last night.

by Miqoel April 14, 2016

Big titty fucked in ass

Most common porn title.

Oh yeah daddy touch my big titty fucked in ass
while you fuck my ass” also known ass the big breasts of a woman and big ass is big scrotum

by J4X0 November 13, 2020

shit fuck titty cock

An individual who shits when he fucks, loves titties and has a cock of any size.

Wow, he’s a real shit fuck titty cock.

by KingDoucheCanoe January 28, 2018

tittie fuck her in the ass

A phrase usually said(screamed) when you or someone else does something to extremely piss you off or hurts you.

(Stubbs toe) Ow! Fuck! tittie fuck her in the ass! #2- Cassandra is such a bitch I just wanna tittie fuck her in the ass

by Deadconfederate March 20, 2016