Source Code

unless you know what you are doing

A phrase that is often mentioned in technical documentation to make readers more cautious about their actions.

The options http_debug and advanced are reserved for developers. They should not be adjusted unless you know what you are doing. No documentation is currently written for them.

by reyuki June 25, 2024

maxien what do you want for dinner

Never ask Maxien what she wants for dinner. The answer will always be “i dunno
Never ask a woman what she wants for dinner. The answer will always be “i dunno”

Maxien what do you want for dinner?


by tajcoanfaodna November 23, 2021

I should do what you do, And you should clean my balls

A phrase that is when you think someone is stupid and is not qualified for their job and you could do that something better and you already know what

Guy1: i just watched the movie aladdin i think its a good childrens movie that doesnt have a deep message
Guy2: well i watched it and its clearly critical of how poverty and the lower class are treated in egypt I should do what you do, And you should clean my balls

by Hugeballguy June 1, 2024

What else do you have in your life?

The only other thing to have is a woman letting you bang her. What else could he theoretically have?

Hym "What else do you have in your life? What else is there to have? Friends? Check. Family? Check. I don't like the effect they have on my life but they're there. Money? When I actually get paid for the work I do, yes. Accomplishments? I'm objectively one of the greatest writers in history of humanity. So, yes again. Hobbies? Yup. Genius intellect? Yessir. Magnificent penis? Obviously. Status? Doesn't exist but if it DID I would have more of it than everyone. Disciples? More than Jesus. Energy? The maximum amount of that. The real thick kind. It's pungent. The only things I DON'T have are women and Adderall and I only don't have them because YOU don't take instructions very well! I don't know if that's some kind of deformity or a malformed lobe or what but- Oh! An unyielding, ceaseless hatred for everything. I have that too! No 6 pack though... But that's fine... And you all definitely can be full of yourselves. I mean, a lot of you seem to think you have 'the right values' and that promotion of these values is commensurate with virtue and that your ability to promulgate these values and the money people through at you is evidentiary of some sort of cosmic deservedness and that you have some sort of responsibility to prevent people from promoting 'the wrong values' and in doing so you are controlling the minds of your viewers. That's your role in society to you. Controlling the people who watch your content by feeding them 'Good, healthy, positive thoughts.' "

by Hym Iam November 7, 2023

see what man do you!

Its a Jamaican phrase for saying "see what happens next."

Any day you see me on road, an you try tell me day. See what man do you!

by jimmytam June 23, 2017