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Ape Iron

Ape Iron is a very overused and versatile term and as such has many definitions:

(a) The salacious sexual act of having an absurdly sharp metal item inserted into any lower orifice

(b)Incredibly hairy junk, when the bush engulfs the penis whilst it is hard as iron

(c) A very hairy flamboyantly gay Canadian iron worker, resembles Cro-Magnum
(d) also very hairy Rons

(e) A very hardworking hippie that works in the Albertan Oil Sands

Ex: Want to go hunt some fags down at the queer bar?

nah its a bunch of Bears and Apeirons( Ape-Rons)

Ex: I have trouble walking because of my experience with Ape Irons

by HapyCampr August 26, 2018

Greasy Creek Waffle Iron

A sexual maneuver in which you deficate on your partners chest and them press down on the pile with a waffle iron. You then cum on the pile to make syrup.

Dude I totally gave that prostitute a Greasy Creek Waffle Iron

by pimpdaddy007 September 5, 2011

iron in valorant

Valorant is a popular 5v5 multiplayer tactical shooter, and this term is essentially someone whos really bad at Valorant, being stuck in the lowest rank.

"Hannah is iron in valorant."
"Wow, I'm so glad im no longer iron in valorant!"

by HYDRO_MIMI May 28, 2022

Iron Butterfly

Giving oral sex to a woman on her period. The partners face is then seen as a bloody (iron butterfly)

She was on the rag but I went down on her and when I came up for air my face looked like an Iron Butterfly

by Celtic Nations February 4, 2020

Iron the folds

Expression used to say a conflict or discussion is solved

They would iron the folds if they understood eachother

by Michel123piano February 1, 2017

Roger iron


Two nights ago, Rory's Roger iron rusted (Rory's TV busted) - from Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)

by iSleepInAVan May 30, 2021