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German Shotgun

A German Shotgun, or German Shotty, is similar to a shotty that most potheads are familiar with, however, instead of placing a blunt backwards in ones mouth and blowing it into someone else's mouth, you instead use a straw to blow the smoke into the recipient's asshole. Another participant then comes and sucks the smoke out of that asshole for a powerful hit.

Douglas took a German Shotgun last night and coughed so hard he puked.

by Yak-Shavings March 23, 2017

German Sausage

Gay anal sex

Man 1- hey dude I totally had some german sausage last night!
Man 2- yo same!

by broman4206969 September 2, 2021

German Jizz Clock

The Art of getting a group of men, let them stand like a bukake. Have one volunteer walk around the group. And the group has to try and jizz on the person (or animal, whatever floats your boat) walking counter clock wise around the group.

Wow have you heard about the new Olympic game? No? What is it. It's called the German jizz clock.

by The Remaining One April 5, 2017

Bernhard German System

The Bernhard German System is the name of the main thrust-formula used in real life. Used to achieve thrust and eventually fly planes or any other form of air vehicle.

''Dang bro, check that guy out! He's really good with the Bernhard German System!''

by Nugart Abelhof April 13, 2020