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Closet locked

When a male or female buys clothing to wear for their partner and yet never wears it

They bought some sexy sleepwear to wear for me but I’ve never seen it on them, they just closet locked the outfit

by Dragondaddy December 10, 2021

fartness lockness

a fart monster that haunts your doors when they are locked. It eats u from the inside out, usually it tends to hide in your intestinal track.

person 01889: My intestinal track feels like the 9th circle of hell
Per(poop)son 5: I think thats just fartness lockness, no need to fear! he is lover.

person 1892937388999: U shit licker!

by fartness lockness July 1, 2022


Someone who picks's a hero/agent (whatever it's called these days) at such speed that you won't be able to use them. Most commonly occurring in Games such as Valorant. This is most infuriating when the character they pick is the character that you like to use. Even more so when they are absolutely horrible at using them

"God dammit man, This guy Insta-lock

Jett again!"

by EternalBluey March 1, 2022