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History of Economic Thought

A lesson for undergraduate economics classes. Economists those died hundreds of years ago can still fuck your mind because of this lesson. Some of them claim that value can only be determined by demand and others begin to blend them by being foolish, because, according to them value can only be determined by supply or something fucking else.

I used to think that Karl Marx is a merit figure in history because he tried to solve the poverty problem but now i think he's fucking crazy. You will see his name in everywhere if you are am economics student. In Sociology, in macroeconomics, in microeconomics, in comparative world economy, in politics...

In 2nd the January which is follower of the 2015's first day, i have a final term for History of Economic Thought.

by ch32 December 31, 2015

Toilet Brush Of History

Toilet Brush Of History, sums up Donald Trump's problem solving abilities; pushing down and hiding problems caused by own "strong and stable leadership" and "good decision making skills".

A reminder of the day (1/20 /2021), World news remembers sum-total of Donald Trump's Presidential contributions - on the wrong side of history, as only President to be impeached twice, and most celebrated when he finally leaves The White House, for the very last time.

Today we celebrate Donald Trump for who he actually is; a Toilet Brush Of History - always claiming to "fix problems", he just buried deeper, as a true stain maker, in the history books.

by Bane Defiance January 20, 2021