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Sebastian’s wife

it’s @scrletwidow obv😏 who else would it be✨

scrletwidow is Sebastian’s wife

by daddysebastian June 15, 2021

wife bouncing

Entering and leaving marriages over and over again because you can't settle on a lady you like.

"What marriage is that guy on now?"
"Gotta be in double digits, he's been wife bouncing since he was 20."

by R.I.P. Candice April 30, 2021

Colonel Sanders has a wife

ditched a man to get that fried chicken or some shit

friend: oh hey
you: Colonel Sanders has a wife
friend: *starts crying*

by steroidSteve December 6, 2020

wife driver

A women you see that is always driver her husband or significant other around, and eludes to her wearing the pants in the relationship.

I saw Jan from the PTA. She’s a total wife driver, I’m pretty sure she makes her husband sit to pee.

by Chrorgstar December 30, 2022