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see papi mayinyou

see papi mayinyou

see papi mayinyou

by see papi mayinyou April 8, 2022

Can’t see me

When you wave your hand in front of your face like John cena, saying “you can’t see me” as you bust a fat nut in her eyes.

Your girlfriend can’t see me

by Swolejesus July 30, 2020

see how it just beads off

I don't know how this trend started but it's funny.

"See how it just beads off?"
*continues to pour a cup of water on someone's head*

by toastyflakez April 20, 2022

going to see Watson

Euphemism for taking opiates. Derived from loratabs/hydrocodone pills labelled "Watson 540"

"I'm going to see Watson."
"No, I can't drive. I went to see Watson like six times today."

by RedConversation February 23, 2012

let the dug see the rabbit

To obscure ones vision of a desired object

"let the dug see the rabbit eh?"e.g. yir mate walks in front o the telly when a crackin pair o paps appear oan a gorgeous babe

by Dr Giz February 7, 2009

seeing how things go

You are basically seeing each other it’s when the guy doesn’t want to admit it to his friends that’s he’s seeing an absolute slaper so he just tells them “we are seeing how things go”

Jim “so what’s happening with you and Amy

Jack “nothing we are seeing how things go”

by Sassy from big lez February 2, 2019

Liberace See-Saw

In the vein of docking for individuals lacking foreskin, the act of taping two penises together at the tip while leaning backwards with no hands.

Bruh, Parker and I Liberace See-Sawed so hard last night, we went through two rolls of tape!

by Turbosquat May 25, 2021