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Bowie isn't god, it's time for Bowies to stop thinking they're god, you're not. You're a dumb 15-17 year old person who couldn't give less of a shit about anyone. We get it, you're sleep deprived, but that doesn't mean you have to think you're god. Gaslighting yourself into believing you're god is not going to fix your insecurities, you still hate yourself, deal with it.

Bowie: I'm god.
Also Bowie: an atheist🚶

by femmechan February 10, 2021

James Bowie Student Council

The voice of the student body at James Bowie Highschool in Arlington, Texas

Did you know that James Bowie Student Council

runs most of the events at our school?

by pp powered cum October 30, 2022

Bowie lowie

When a fucking nigga boy shits on the bed

Paul: “yo this kid just Bowie lowied me.”
Bowie: “shut the fuck up Rubert or I’ll send my shit flying into your mouth while you’re asleep then cum into your mouth, no homo.”

by Shitslayer926391 November 1, 2019